> Attendee Information > The Young EP Arena Submission
October 6 : End of the Young EP Arena submission

If you are a young EP committed to VT ablation, or overall management, we warmly invite you to send your most painful failure or your hardest VT case, that will be selected for presentation and subsequent debate in a dedicated session.
We want you to be active part of the program, to share with us the tricks of the trade that helped you to succeed in a though case, or to critically review a procedural failure to improve everybody’s practice.
If your clinical case is accepted you’ll be contacted by the organizing secretariat to arrange travel and accommodation.
General information
- Applicants should complete the online form by October 6
Your email address has to be valid.
Submission sent after the deadline submission will not be considered - Your submission should be composed of 4 slides at most and a short description (100 words max)
- All abstracts must be submitted in English
- Review process: Applications will be assessed anonymously and marked by the Scientific Committee, an average rating will be attributed to each proposal according to the originality and interest of the case.
- Applicants will be advised of the committee’s final decision October.